BC Classic Motorcycle Club: Classic Motorcycle Rides Club Forum
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Friday, 02 October 2009 16:42

The BC Classic Motorcycle Club  knows that not all of our web site is perfect and we are constantly working on it to make this a better site. If you have any issues at all please email the web site admin at bcclassicmc@hotmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or you can call  1-604-805-1171 ( Cell number )


BC Classic Motorcycle Club — Fueling Your Passion for Classic Motorcycles

Welcome to BC Classic Motorcycle Club — The club you may want to join if you share the same passion for classic motorcycles as the members of this club.

BC Classic Motorcycle Club was established to let vintage motorcycle owners and enthusiasts dive into the heritage of vintage motorcycles.

Dedicated to the preservation, restoration, and enjoyment of vintage motorcycles, this classic motorcycle club in Vancouver helps you learn the nitty-gritty of motorcycling, from its history to what’s new in the antique-bike world and everything in between.

The classic motorcycle club also allows you to meet like-minded classic motorcycle enthusiasts who share your passion and are as enthusiastic about the sport as you. But more importantly, it keeps you informed about the motorcycle rides and events happening near you so that you can be a part of this ever-growing culture and enjoy riding your antique motorcycle on the roads. What’s more, it supports you at each step of your journey by sourcing of motorcycle parts, accessories, and help you need for your next motorcycle project.

BC Classic Motorcycle Club welcomes you to join with other classic motorcycle enthusiasts from around the world and become a part of this rapidly growing club made to uplift the classic motorcycle world.

Why Join BC Classic Motorcycle Club in Vancouver, BC

When you choose to become a member of the BC Classic Motorcycle Club family, not only do you open the door to a world of classic motorcycles, but you also enjoy these benefits:


Meet motorcycle enthusiasts from all over the world


Over the years, BC Classic Motorcycle Club has brought thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts and owners from all around the globe together, regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, and profession, helping them create beautiful memories and enjoy good rides.

Today, the BC Classic Motorcycle Club family comprises people from all walks of life — white-collar, blue-collar, laborers, entrepreneurs, and whatnot. These people have one thing in common — the love for motorcycling and the passion for preservation and enjoyment of antique motorcycles.

By becoming a member of this family, you may enjoy the sport more than you would on your own. Plus, you also get much-needed support and guidance from more experienced members, which is what makes this classic motorcycle club so special.

Take part in exciting motorcycle events

BC Classic Motorcycle Club offers events and classic motorcycle rides in BC to partake in and enjoy with others, throttling down the highways and ending the rides with refreshments and conversation together. This is something that makes your riding experience far more enjoyable than riding alone or driving a car.

Besides enabling you to participate in motorcycle trips and events happening in and around BC, the club also keeps you up to date with upcoming events so that you can get your gear ready to have an unforgettable riding experience.

Share information in our BC Classic Motorcycle forum

The BC Classic Motorcycle forum is about camaraderie and sharing experiences with other classic motorcycle owners and enthusiasts. Want to share your recent bike trip? Post it in the forum. Need some help with your motorcycle? Ask the experts in the forum. Looking for road trip ideas in and around BC? Let experienced motorcyclists help guide you through the best road trips you can have.

All in all, our forum is the perfect place to interact with classic motorcycle enthusiasts from all over the world and share knowledge and experiences with them and make friends for a lifetime.

That said, there is a prerequisite for joining the BC Classic Motorcycle forum and club — keep conflicts at bay and foster meaningful connections.


Get classic motorcycle parts for sale in BC

Since BC Classic Motorcycle Club emphasizes preservation, restoration, and enjoyment of classic motorcycles, it is also home to a source of parts and accessories to keep your motorcycle in top condition for years to come.

No matter how antique your motorcycle is, you may access parts for sale in BC at our site, saving yourself time and money while enjoying your rides to the fullest.

We also stock club merchandise and riding gear to help make your riding experience safer and more enjoyable. Please have a look at our collection today.


Find Classic Motorcycles for Sale in BC

Join BC Classic Motorcycle Club if you want to have access to a collection of the world’s best vintage motorcycles that often creates awe as you rush past them on the highways.

You can also find used classic motorcycles for sale in BC that are still in excellent condition and run smoothly. For more information, contact us today and let us guide you through.

Joining BC Classic Motorcycle Club is easy. Please click here and follow the instructions given on the page.

Last Updated on Monday, 05 April 2021 11:51
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