BC Club forum boards => General Chat and Ideas => Topic started by: Galactica on July 08, 2024, 12:36:11 PM

Title: freekin’ HOT!
Post by: Galactica on July 08, 2024, 12:36:11 PM
Not sure if the link will work but here’s tryin’.


Title: Re: freekin’ HOT!
Post by: Steve G. on July 08, 2024, 01:40:04 PM

    I've ridden Death Valley, in the middle of October, 2017, for 2 weeks. Incredible place!!!  Including the 'ground zero' of heat on the surface of the world, Badwater Basin, which is the lowest altitude place on the western hemisphere at -181 feet below sea level. It was only 114F that day. I remember riding south from Furnace Village down into the valley towards Badwater, increasing heat, I was swatting a bug inside my helmet, only finding out that bug was blood from my nose, from the weather,  instantly cauterizing from the 114F heat and 3% humidity. 

   Yeah,,,,,today outside my house in "Metro" its gonna reach 85F with 47% humidity. Tomorrow it's gonna be 89F. It's really just the effects of the human body needing 2 weeks to physiologically adapting, mainly through natural blood thinning. These same temperatures through the August long weekend will be much less an issue. I spent 32 days in Puerto Vallarta last winter, mid 80's F and 75-80% humidity. The first 7-9 days I was a sweathog, after that, I was actually grabbing a light jacket at 9pm.

Title: Re: freekin’ HOT!
Post by: hardrockminer on July 08, 2024, 04:03:00 PM
That's 53.3 degrees C!! 

You can still have cooling even when the temperature is well above normal body temperature as long as you're sweating and the wind is blowing AND the relative humidity is less than 100%.  Heat will be removed from your skin through evaporation.

Title: Re: freekin’ HOT!
Post by: kaw74 on July 08, 2024, 09:15:53 PM
I went through there over a month ago and it was 32 at 7 am. All I thought about was that I hope I don't break down.

Title: Re: freekin’ HOT!
Post by: Steve G. on July 08, 2024, 09:43:07 PM

Title: Re: freekin’ HOT!
Post by: Twisted_Twin on July 09, 2024, 08:20:26 AM
If only they had put something in the name that would make people not want to go there...

Title: Re: freekin’ HOT!
Post by: Runningdog on July 09, 2024, 11:26:19 AM
If only they had put something in the name that would make people not want to go there...

Even if they ammended the name by including "Certain", thrill seekers want to attempt to beat that.

Title: Re: freekin’ HOT!
Post by: Wheels on July 09, 2024, 07:17:55 PM
June and I went through there in May and the temperature at 1000 am was 92 degrees at the hospitality area.  When we left a few minutes later it had already climbed another two degrees F.   She wanted to stop in the middle of a long hill to take some pictures then started heading up the hill in the heat watching all of the gauges constantly as we groaned our way up the hill.  I pointed some of the black spots on the tarmac and to the side as we moved along and told here they were from other vehicles stopping at the bottom of the hill that expired enroute or others throughout the valley.
One wonders how people live/survive in those little 100 people or less towns there.

Title: Re: freekin’ HOT!
Post by: hardrockminer on July 10, 2024, 03:45:52 AM
Ahhh...but it's a DRY heat!

Title: Re: freekin’ HOT!
Post by: Steve G. on July 10, 2024, 06:45:46 AM
  The low humidity definitely makes it easier to handle. And when riding a motorcycle, the riding gear is much less likely to ‘cling’, or hook up in an uncomfortable fashion. Lack of body sweat is our normal indicator to drink water along with regular thirst signals. That is lost because there’s no sweat on the brow.